As you have probably noticed, there is much to learn about designing and building custom green homes. There are as many ways to design and build as there are designers and builders and finding the right approach for your particular project is the single most important decision you will make. Becoming informed is the key.

Most of our clients have never built a home before and many know nothing about home building. We have heard many times about the fears and insecurities people feel when they think about diving into a big, important, expensive home building project with little or no direct experience or knowledge of the subject. This has been the impetus for creating our web site; to help educate and inform so that you can make the best decision for your situation.
We invite you to learn more about Sunlight Homes! The first step is to do just what you are doing ... read the information right here on our web site. There is a lot of information about designing and building a custom green home. Take your time, take notes and jot down questions!
Objectives and Goals
Next, we suggest that you write down the objectives and goals for your new home project. If you are part of a couple or a family, having individual, couple and family goals are even better. You will use this information as you go through the discovery process, learning about us as well as some of the other approaches available to you. When you have a new project as complex as designing a custom home, there are competing priorities along the way and being clear about what's most important to you will help you make wise decisions and choices.
Contact Us!
After reading our web site and writing down your goals, your next step is to contact us. We'd like to hear from you! We will ask you some questions that will help us learn a little about your new home project, even if it's only a seed of an idea right now. Then we'll answer your questions and begin a correspondence with you about your new home. This is done mostly by email at the beginning, but phone calls and even meetings in person can be arranged and are encouraged.
Finding the Best Approach for your Project
If, after learning about your project, we see that we aren't the best option for you, we may be able to suggest another company or an information source to help you with your search. It's important that everyone find the best solution for their individual project and we know Sunlight Homes and custom green homes aren't for everybody. When there is a good match between client, designer and builder, projects flow easily and are a great success. An ill-conceived match, on the other hand, can become a problem for everyone involved. For this reason, we are happy to spend time answering questions and offering support and advice as we all go through the discovery process together. It's in everyone's best interest.
Thanks for visiting today and for your interest in Sunlight Homes!